Affordable Art Classes & After School Art
Enrolments are now OPEN!
Select the Age group for you wish to enroll in.
- 5-7 years
- 8-10 years
- 11-13 years
- 14+ (student)
- 16+ (Adult)
Please add the name, age and any preferences for the days your student is enrolled, in the 'notes'. Finally select 'pick up' as your delivery option.
- There are 8 classes per term for $75 per students (up to 18 years) and Members.
- Adult Classes (18+) are $100 for non-members, this will be invoiced accordingly.
- Family Discount is available for multiple family members (living at the same address) attending across classes - this will be included on your invoice when classes are confirmed.
- All materials are included in the lesson fee.
- In the case of teacher unavailability during the term, an 8th class will be added at the end of the term.
We will confirm which class your child is in, once funding has been confirmed and then we will ask for payments (this may be late Jan/early Feb).
Payment will confirm your students placement in the class.
Classes will run for 8 weeks starting the week of February 11th
Terms and Conditions:
Please ensure you have read the following terms and conditions before proceeding to check out.
Please do not make payment until funding has been confirmed for classes, as they will not run if they are not funded. Payment of $75 per student will be invoiced when classes are confirmed, please pay as soon as possible to confirm your booking. Family discount of $50 per student is only available to family members who live at the same address across any of our regular Affordable Art Classes.
Refunds will only be issued if notification is given to info@feildingartsociety.com at least 7 days prior to the first class commencing. If you decide to withdraw from the class within 7 days of it commencing, or after the term has commenced, no refund will be given.
Health and Safety
The Feilding and District Art Society and its tutors take all reasonable measures to protect the health and safety of everyone on our premises, but is not liable for any personal injuries or damage to personal property sustained while on our premises. A first aid kit is available at all times, though no medication will be administered to attendees without parental consent. It is the responsibility of attendees' parents to ensure the tutor is notified of any health conditions which may impact participation in class.
Digital Media in Class
The Feilding and District Art Society and its tutors reserve the exclusive right to take photographs or videos in the classroom. By enrolling in a class, you give permission for the Feilding and District Art Society to take and publish images of your child and their artwork for promotional purposes, including on social media.
General Class Policies
Attendees are expected to be punctual to all classes. The Feilding and District Art Society reserves the right to deny entry to latecomers, so as to minimise disruption.
The Feilding and District Art Society and/or its tutors reserve the right to dismiss any attendee whose behaviour is considered by the tutor to be disruptive, dangerous, or damaging. Any dismissal resulting in a withdrawal from classes will not result in a refund.
Complaints must be submitted in writing to info@feildingartsociety.com. All correspondence received will be reviewed by the Feilding and District's Art Centre Manager and escalated to the Committee if required. An in-person meeting may be requested by the Art Centre Manager in order to reach a resolution. Responses and resolutions to all complaints will be recorded in writing.